box-shadow vs filter: drop-shadow

This post is about the drop-shadow filter. You may have looked at it and thought “this is pretty much the same thing as a box-shadow” right? Well, not exactly. The big advantage of the drop-shadow filter is that it acknowledges the outline and transparency of an element…

Mastering CSS Reflections in Webkit

Learn how to master the new CSS3 Webkit box-reflect property together with gradients to show image reflctions in Webkit browsers…

CSS3 Card Trick: A Fun CSS3 Experiment

This tutorial is based on a simple animated experiment that showcases just one of the amazing things you can create using CSS. I’ve used no images and no scripting; everything’s done using HTML and CSS…

Start Experimenting With CSS3 Keyframe Animations

CSS3 animations are the new kid on the block. It’s a big step. Although they haven’t really taken centre stage yet as only the webkit browsers support them. For this reason they’re used sparingly, in a lot of cases for experimental purposes or as ‘hidden gems’, but that doesn’t mean you should shy away from […]

CSS Webkit Appearance

I did my fair share of testing this site on an iPad during development. In most cases, the version of Mobile Safari found on the iPad renders pages like any other standards-based browser. Only when I got to native UI elements like search boxes & text fields did I notice an inconsistency. A pre-set styling […]

Vendor-prefixed CSS Property Overview

Next to having four seperate pages for the major rendering engines, this page shows a clearer overview of the implemented, prefixed properties, and their counterparts in other engines…

CSS3 Minimalistic Navigation Menu

As you have probably heard by now, CSS3 animations are a powerful tool, which enables you to create animations which run without the need of applying additional scripting to the page. What is even better, in the next generation of browsers we will have even more powerful tools, including 3D transformations (already present in Safari). […]

What CSS3 Can Do For You: Animation and 3D effects

As CSS3 gains more buzz, more and more developers are finding great ways to utilize it. In my last post, I went over the great ways to develop buttons and how to effectively use imagery transitions. Now we will move on and talk about the great ways to use CSS3 for animation and 3D effects…

Pure CSS Reflections

Many might not be aware that, with CSS, we can achieve reflections quite easily in all webkit-based browsers, which represent roughly 20% of all browser usage. The key is in the vendor-specific, -webkit-box-reflect property. I’ll show you how to use it in today’s video quick tip…

Random Color CSS3 Animation

Ever since I wrote my first lines of code, I have had a strange interest in the functions that generate random numbers. and yes, I know actual random doesn’t exist Every time I just want to fool around with some code, you will find me popping in a random function in somewhere. So when I […]

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