Clown Car Technique for Responsive Images

We can use media queries within SVG to serve up the right image. The beauty of the “Clown Car” technique is that all the logic remains in the SVG file. It’s called the “Clown Car” technique since we are including (or stuffing) many images (clowns) into a single image file (car)…

CSS Creatures

CSS Creatures allows you to simply send out a tweet with your chosen characteristics, and, in less than 20 seconds, your new friend will appear among his siblings…

CSS effect: space images out to match text height

Make several fixed-width images change their spacing to stay lined up with accompanying text, no matter the window size or text size…

CSS3 Image Styles

If you apply CSS3 inset box-shadow or border-radius directly to an image element, it isn’t rendered properly by the browser. You can fix that by applying the image as a background image. Here’s a set of impressive examples using box-shadow, border-radius and transition to create various image styles…

Mastering CSS Reflections in Webkit

Learn how to master the new CSS3 Webkit box-reflect property together with gradients to show image reflctions in Webkit browsers…

Img to Css – Convert an image to CSS

An online tool that converts your uploaded image to HTML and inline CSS that you can include in emails etc…

CSS Image Switcher

Build a CSS only image switcher with help from this screencast. There’s no JavaScript used, just plain CSS. The trick is some simple z-index switching on hover and a bit of absolute positioning…

Flip an Image

You can flip images with CSS! Possible scenario: having only one graphic for an “arrow”, but flipping it around to point in different directions…

Better Image Preloading with CSS3

I recently added to my growing library of image-preloading methods with a few new & improved techniques. After posting that recent preloading article, an even better way of preloading images using pure CSS3 hit me. Using CSS3’s new support for multiple background images, we can use a single, existing element to preload all of the […]

Screencast: Editable CSS3 Image Gallery

We build a pretty typical image gallery design pattern, a grid of images that pop up larger when clicked. But this image gallery page makes use of hot semantic HTML5 markup, loads of visual treats with CSS3 and jQuery, and made editable through the CMS PageLime. Quick reminder, the demo is awesome-est in a WebKit […]

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