CSS Performance: UI with Fewer Images

Often performance improvements come with their drawbacks, sometimes improving performance causes pains in other parts of the development process or strips stuff from the final product. Sometimes there’s even a conflict where you have to pick: slow, unusable and beautiful or fast and looking like hacked with a blunt axe. But it doesn’t have to […]

Enabling CSS RGBA Support in IE

One of the most frustrating things about working with newer CSS attributes is that while most modern browsers will support them in their latest versions, IE almost never keeps up. Such is the case with the RGBA color declaration which enables developers to specify an alpha transparency along with a color. This works great in […]

A Dash of Rosemary on Your CSS

Rosemary is an open-source modular cascading filter-based modification system for CSS files; or commonly recognized as the acronym, OSMCFBMS4CSS. Your CSS files are run through a series of filters that modify it one after another. These filters can be toggled on/off, rearranged, or all of them disabled completely to give you raw output. It provides […]

Cross-browser drop shadows using pure CSS

There’s an awful lot of noise at the moment regarding dropping IE6 and forging ahead with CSS3 properties for the finer touches on web layouts. Do websites need to look exactly the same in every browser? One such example is adding drop shadows to content blocks. There are countless ways of achieving this, most requiring […]

Text Rotation with CSS

An article about text rotation using just CSS. Thankfully, many of the popular browsers of today support the ability to rotate HTML elements. Even better? We can make it work in Internet Explorer back to version 5.5 even…