Simulate Realism with CSS3

CSS3 is here to make our lives easier as web designers and developers. While it’s not something we can always rely on heavily for layout purposes just yet, we can use it to enhance certain aspects of our designs by spending a considerably less amount of time doing so. However, CSS3 has not been created […]

CSS3 Examples and Best Practices

The CSS3 trend is getting more and more popular. In fact CSS3 new features open a lot of new possibilities. However, don’t get too excited so soon because it is not fully supported by all browsers yet. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it at all. So, when should you use CSS3 new features? […]

Forgotten CSS selectors

Anyone who has been using CSS for any length of time has probably been frustrated by the lack of selector support in Internet Explorer 6. There are quite a lot of cases where a CSS 2.1 selector will let you target elements in all other relevant browsers, but where you, if you want it to […]

The CSS3 :not() selector

There isn’t a lot of information to be found about the :not() selector. The specifications only offer 3 lines of text and a couple of examples. So lets see what it can do!

CSS3 box-shadow and Image Hover Effects

The CSS3 box-shadow property is a new way of adding drop shadow effects just by editing a style sheet. There’s no need to use Photoshop! Just open your style sheet in a text editor and away you go. Well, it’s almost as simple as that but not quite. There’s one caveat and that is browser […]

CSS Transitions 101

Despite people’s expectation of change and movement on the screen, CSS and HTML have few controls that allow you to design interactivity, and those that exist are binary. A link is either one color or another. A text field is either one size or another. A photo is either transparent or opaque. No in-betweens from […]

The importance of the !important CSS declaration

The !important declaration has been valid since CSS1 but it seems to have acquired a bad reputation over the years. Even if the !important declaration should be used with caution, it’s a very useful and powerful expression that much deserves its place in our CSS world. This article offers a guide to what the declaration […]

Practical Uses of CSS3

CSS3 is not fully supported across all browsers. If you still want everything to look exactly the same across all browsers, you should probably just close this article and not read about CSS for another 10 years. A user is not going to pull up your site in two different browsers to compare the experience, […]

CSS Variables with PHP

When people are asked about features they would like to CSS, “variables” always seems to come up. Whether or not this is a good idea is still something I personally haven’t decided on, but I’d lean toward yes. Regardless, using PHP, it is trivially easy to use variables in CSS. This is certainly not a […]

Bulletproof @font-face

Real type on the web. All the kids are doing it. But maybe we’re doing it wrong. After testing several CSS @font-face syntax variants, including one used on this site, Paul Irish says the following is clearly best:

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