Controlling width with CSS3 box-sizing

An incredibly useful CSS3 feature when you’re creating columns with floats is box-sizing. It lets you choose which box sizing model to use – whether or not an element’s width and height include padding and border or not.This is useful since it makes it much easier to define flexible widths where you also need padding […]

CSS3 Advanced Box Shadows

In this video, you’ll learn about additional box-shadow features, such as multiple shadows and inset shadows. You’ll also learn some advanced techniques, such as how to create a sunken well effect…

CSS In Depth: Margins, Padding & The Box Model

In the first of the CSS In depth series, we’ll be talking about margins, padding and the box model. Margins and padding are some of the most widely used styles in CSS, but are often the source of frustration in cross-browser compatibility. In this post, we’ll explain the difference between padding and margins, how the […]

Shadows and CSS3

I’m currently working on a design that uses text-shadow and box-shadow, with RGBA in place to create the shadow color. I wanted to tweet about this technique because it’s simple and awesome, but to my surprise I couldn’t find a good, quick tutorial that covered the use of both text and box-shadow, along with RGBA. […]

CSS Box Model: The Foundation For Improving Your CSS

The CSS box model lies behind everything you do in CSS. Every element is defined by a rectangular box that encloses that element. Understanding how the box model works is a key to understanding CSS and having greater control over your layout and presentation. Let’s dive right in and talk about what the CSS box […]

Introducing the Flexible Box Layout Module

One aspect of CSS3 that hasn’t received a lot of attention so far is the Flexible Box Layout module. Already implemented in the Gecko and WebKit engines, in this alternative box model the children of a box are laid out either horizontally or vertically, and unused space can be assigned to a particular child or […]

Internet Explorer and the CSS box model

One of the differences between Internet Explorer and standards compliant Web browsers that cause a lot of trouble for CSS beginners is the CSS box model. Since the box model is what browsers use to calculate an element’s total width and height, it is quite understandable that different browsers producing different results can be both […]