The Surprising Things That CSS Can Animate

This articles explores some of the unexpected things that CSS can animate and some nifty things you can do by animating them…

Star Wars Movie Title in CSS

An interesting tutorial that explains how to create the Star Wars movie title from “The Force Awakens” using CSS…

CSS Animation Spheres

Have you ever read an article that was watching you? Here’s your chance to do that (you’ll see what I mean when you view the article). A really detailed tutorial that explains how to use CSS border-radius, gradients and animations for impressive results…

Styling And Animating SVGs With CSS

A few techniques for working with CSS in SVG and an overview of exporting and optimising SVGs for embedding…

Magic Animations CSS3

Magic.css lets you build CSS3 animations with special effects…


An amazing and useful CSS generator for animations by Bennett Feely…

CSS Animation Events Explained!

Here’s a great video tutorial that explains everything about CSS animation events and how you can use them to trigger actions in your javascript…

Effeckt.css – CSS transitions & animations

A collection of CSS transitions and keyframe animations that you can drop into your projects…

Anima – CSS animations with a soul

CSS animations have some limits, the main is that you can’t really have full control over them. And it’s near impossible to stop transitions without dirty hacks.Another problem is calculating percents for keyframes. People create animations with time in mind, not percents. You always think of “it should fly and rotate for a half of […]

Animate.css – a bunch of plug-and-play CSS animations

animate.css is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness…

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