Practical CSS Shapes

A common design technique lately is to create a fold effect, where it appears as if a heading is wrapping behind its container. This is generally achieved through the use of tiny images; however, with CSS, we can mimic this effect quite easily…

Better Page Corner Ads with CSS3 Transforms

The other day I came across a useful site called that allows you to get up-to-date script tag links that point to your favourite JavaScript libraries. The site has a clickable corner ad promo to get people to “spread the word”. I thought using CSS3 there would be a better way to position such […]

Build Kick-Ass Practical CSS3 Buttons

What once required background images and icons can now be created with plain-old CSS. Because modern browsers have access to things like box shadow, gradients, rounded corners, text-shadows, and font-face, we can finally take advantage of this and remove any need for images, when creating visual elements, such as buttons! This video tutorial will show […]

Sexy Interactions with CSS Transitions

While Webkit-based browsers have had CSS Transitions since Safari 3.1.2, other browsers are only just now coming out with nightly builds supporting this exciting new part of the CSS3 specification.With all browsers except for IE being slated to have Transitions support in the coming months, more and more web designers are turning to this powerful […]

CSS Hover Controls On the iPhone

Here’s a simple technique to get hover controls working on the iPhone. Hover controls are links and buttons that appear when you hover your mouse over a a target area and so are useful for a lot of secondary actions like delete and edit links – a way to simplify your interface…

Beautiful CSS3 Search Form

Lately I’ve been playing around with CSS3 and discovered some new CSS tricks. Did you know you can make a round circle with border-radius and create inner shadow effect with box-shadow inset? Check out this beautiful search form demo that I’ve created with CSS gradient, border-radius, and box-shadow. It displays perfect in CSS3 browsers and […]

Center Multiple DIVs with CSS

At some point, you may have a situation where you want to center multiple elements maybe <div> elements, or other block elements on a single line in a fixed-width area. Centering a single element in a fixed area is easy. Just add margin: auto and a fixed width to the element you want to center, […]

How to Center an Absolutely Positioned Element Using CSS

Centering an absolutely positioned element is a CSS challenge that occurs now and then. The solutions seem obvious once I’ve done it, but I still find myself googling the problem every few months…

Top 5 CSS Shorthand Properties

An excellent way to simplify and streamline your Cascading Style Sheets CSS is to take advantage of the many different shorthand properties available to you. Working with a lot of CSS, you eventually memorize these different shortcuts, but every now and then, I find myself needing a quick, straightforward reference for some of the more […]

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