Presentation on CSS font stacks

Wrapping Long URLs and Text Content with CSS

By default, the white-space property is set to normal. So you might have problems when trying to force long URLs and other continuous strings of text to wrap. To force long, continuous strings of text to wrap within the width of our <pre> content or other block-level element, such as <div> and <p>, we need […]

The Multi-Column CSS3 Module

For over six years, CSS3 columns have been available to us; yet, strangely, they’re rarely utilized. Because they currently are only supported in Mozilla and Webkit-based browsers, this means that – again – no support in Internet Explorer. But that’s okay! The world will not end if IE users see one longer paragraph. I’ll show […]

Tiny Fluid Grid

Inspired by Developed with love by Girlfriend’s overconfident and pretty good looking team of web developers. Tiny Fluid Grid ships with a index.html with demo code, and the grid.css containing the CSS for the grid you created…

Wicked CSS3 3d bar chart

While browsing the web, I came across a pretty cool 3d bar chart created with Flash. I was wondering if I could recreate the same neat effect using pure CSS3 and started working on this wicked CSS3 3d bar chart. Check out the example to see that almost no images were used to create this […]

Using CSS3 Text Shadow for Active Link States

Recently, Chris Spooner of Line25 wrote a tutorial describing how to create a letterpress effect with CSS3’s text-shadow property. In another article, Chris Coyier of CSS-Tricks showed how he makes all the text links on his website feel more button-like using a simple bit of CSS positioning. During a recent project I was working on, […]

CSS Three – Connecting The Dots

Best practices for CSS3 usage need to be hashed out in blog posts, during spare time, and outside of client projects. Coming up with creative and sensible ways to get the most out of CSS3 will require the kind of experimentation wherein developers gladly trade ten failures for a single success. Right now, there are […]

Our Solar System in CSS3

An experiment with CSS3 border-radius, transforms & animations. At the time of writing, animations only work in Webkit browsers…

Semantic CSS3 Lightboxes

Create a modal CSS3 lighbox effect. If you’ve ever come across a link or image which — upon clicking — increases in size and where the rest of the screen gets “shaded” to focus on the content, you’ll know what I’m talking about. This tutorial aims to showcase a method of displaying content based on […]

Efficiently Rendering CSS

I admittedly don’t think about this idea very often… how efficient is the CSS that we write, in terms of how quickly the browser can render it? This is definitely something that browser vendors care about (the faster pages load the happier people are using their products). Mozilla has an article about best practices. Google […]

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