Font-Embedding Icons: This Is a Big Deal

An article proposing the use of @font-face for displaying icons. I feel strongly about the potential of this method, so I thought I would take the time to generate a font set for Iconic and to talk about why we should all be using this method for displaying icons…

CSS3 Image Styles

If you apply CSS3 inset box-shadow or border-radius directly to an image element, it isn’t rendered properly by the browser. You can fix that by applying the image as a background image. Here’s a set of impressive examples using box-shadow, border-radius and transition to create various image styles…

CSS: Taking control of the cascade

An in-depth article explaining the best methods for structuring your CSS files to avoid any potential problems with CSS cascade…

A Farewell to CSS3 Gradients

An article all about CSS3 and how crappy they actually are. Raises some interesting points and gives alternative solutions using SVG…

A masterclass in CSS animations

From the basics of animation keyframes to expert animation tips that will save you many a headache. This article takes you on a tour of all you need to know to get up and running with CSS3 animations..

CSS Terminal

CSS Terminal is a bookmarklet that allows you to inject CSS rules directly into a live web page. It’s handy for rapid CSS development, prototyping and debugging…

Code smarter CSS with Sass

Sass is a style sheet language that makes your style sheet as beautiful to read as your web page. This article explains how to use and maintain style sheets with Sass…

CSS Prototyping

This is a simple CSS code snippes to overlay a grid or a mock-up over a page you’re styling. It will also allow you to edit content directly in the browser to see how your layout behaves depending on various lines of text…

Hyphenation arrives in Firefox and Safari

In print, hyphenation has 2 main uses: saving paper, and improving justification and evenness of typographic layout. On the web we can use the new CSS3 hyphenation property to help fit more words on a page and make the most of screen real estate…

CSS3 Buttonize Framework

The Buttonize Framework is a simple, light-weight CSS file with precompiled styles and colours for quick, modern looking buttons. It uses CSS3 for rounded corners and subtle gradients but with bulletproof fallbacks for older browsers…

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