The greatest tool for sorting CSS properties in specific order

An online tool that you can use to sort CSS properties in your stylesheets into a specific order…

Create CSS3 – CSS 3 Code Generator

A handy online tool that you can use to easily generate CSS3 with all the browser prefixes done for you…

Responsive Email Design

There are tons of free HTML email templates around but most of them don’t work well on mobile devices. This tutorial will help you cater for your newsletter subscribers that read messages on iPhones, iPads etc.

Circle Hover Effects with CSS Transitions

If you have a modern browser, check out this impressive tutorial that shows a variety of hover effects on circles. Uses border radius to create circular thumbnails and then uses CSS transitions and animations to create some interesting hover effects…

Modern Block Quote Styles

Some nice examples of modern blockquote styling that you can use for testimonials, quotes etc. The blockquote designs use graphics, gradients and textures making use of pseudo-elements…

Responsive Design’s Dirty Little Secret

Responsive Web design, as defined by Ethan Marcotte, consists of a fluid grid, fluid images and media queries. Different browsers have different methods of calculating widths for percentage based layouts. Browsers have to translate percentages into actual device pixels to fit in the viewport and this can cause problems. This article describes the potential problems […]

More efficient CSS3 transitions

An interesting article that explores the way that we perceive animation and explains how minimum CSS transitions can trick our eyes into seeing more animation than there is…

Conditional CSS

A way of detecting from JavaScript whether media queries have been executed in CSS without duplicating any breakpoints…

Photon – CSS 3D Lighting Engine

Photon is a JavaScript library that adds simple lighting effects to DOM elements in 3D space…

Replacing the -9999px hack (new image replacement)

A snippet of code that gives a more efficient method for hiding content off screen…

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