Height equals width with pure CSS

A CSS only solution to maintaining aspect ratios when elements are resized…

Using Custom Data Attributes and Pseudo-Elements

A tutorial to show you some simple CSS tricks using data attributes and pseudo-elements. The aim is to create an image caption using only an anchor and an image as markup…

CSS pointer-events and a pure CSS3 animating tooltip

CSS only tooltips with a nice CSS3 transition for fade in/out…

CSS: reset or normalize?

An interesting article exploring the pros and cons of using CSS reset and CSS normalize in your projects…

CSSmatic – CSS Tools

CSSmatice currently has 4 tools that enable you to generate CSS code for gradients, border-radiuses, noise textures and box shadows…

Pure CSS Modals

CSS Modal is built out of pure CSS. JavaScript is only for sugar. This makes them perfectly accessible. A few other advantages: accessible, cross-browser, media-adaptive, small and fast…

Making accessible icon buttons

An article exploring the alternatives for creating clickable icons with accessibility in mind…

Clown Car Technique for Responsive Images

We can use media queries within SVG to serve up the right image. The beauty of the “Clown Car” technique is that all the logic remains in the SVG file. It’s called the “Clown Car” technique since we are including (or stuffing) many images (clowns) into a single image file (car)…

Font Icon Stacks

Icon fonts are great but they only work in a single color. Here’s an ingenious way to create multi-colored scalable graphics using icon fonts…

There’s more to the CSS rem unit than font sizing

Many web designers and developers are familiar with the CSS rem length unit. This article describes a couple of couple of handy alternate uses of the rem element that you may not have thought of…

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