All the Internet Explorer CSS Bugs in One Place!

A comprehensive list of CSS bugs that are only found in Internet Explorer, versions 5 and higher. The list is updated regularly and you can find live demos of each bug…

CSS Typography – Examples for CSS and Web Typography

A demonstration page listing some impressive pure CSS typography tips and tricks. You can view the page source code to see how the effects are achieved…

HTML Test Page for CSS Style Guide

Really useful HTML page that you can download and use to test that your CSS file covers all the common HTML tags….

Experimental CSS compatibility table

This page currently lists compatibility for more recently added features of CSS in contemporary browsers. If a browser is not listed, then assume no support for the feature in that browser…

10 Quick and Dirty Ways to Lay Out a List of Links

The best way to lay out a list of links — say, like those you would find in a footer — is typically to code them as an HTML list and use CSS for the presentation. However, sometimes this is not practical. Here are some variations on how you can separate a list of links, […]

CSS Hack for Internet Explorer 8

Notwithstanding the improvements in the CSS support in Internet Explorer 8, there may be cases when a CSS hack for that particular browser is necessary. Here is one that works in IE8 Standards Compliance Mode…

Custom CSS for the iPhone

Ever wished you could isolate one or two elements in your site’s CSS stylesheet to render differently on the iPhone? You can! Use this CSS…

The 1Kb CSS Grid – Part 1

Here is a fresh take on the CSS grid (loosely based on Nathan Smith’s 960 Grid System). Its mission is to be lightweight. It can be used to streamline page templates for content management. All this in just one measly kilobyte (actually, 662 bytes, but who’s counting)…

Target IE6 and IE7 with only 1 extra character in your CSS

To get around the inadequacies and bugs of IE6 and IE7, we see people going to great lengths and even adding a second stylesheet with conditional comments when we all preach at the same time to minimize HTTP requests. Complicated hacks and workarounds all take more time. And time is money in the business world […]

Create the perfect CSS reset

As every new and experienced front-end coder knows, different browsers process code differently. Cross-browser coding can be time consuming. A CSS reset style sheet can even out the playing field and make things easier…

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