47 CSS Tips & Tricks To Take Your Site To The Next Level

Here are 47 CSS Tips, Tricks, and Techniques to add to your CSS toolbox. Some you may be familiar with while others may be new to you. The tips below span from beginner to more advanced CSS code. Hopefully you’ll find a few techniques that will be both new and useful to you and perhaps […]

CSS 100% Height

A common problem among designers is how to get a div to stretch 100% of the window’s height. There are a few different techniques out there, but I came up with one that is my personal favorite, which I will share with you today…

CSS charts – Bar Charts Created with Pure CSS

For ultimate performance try these really fast bar charts that don’t need any plugins or rely heavily on JavaScript. Just pure and wholesome bar charts in CSS…

Bulletproof @font-face

Real type on the web. All the kids are doing it. But maybe we’re doing it wrong. After testing several CSS @font-face syntax variants, including one used on this site, Paul Irish says the following is clearly best:

CSS Restaurant Menu

When out having a meal with a few guys from work once we got talking about the menu, and how it would be intereting to work on a restaurant website in terms of using semantics and CSS to build menus properly. When I got in that night I had a spare few minutes and came […]

CSS Navigation: No JavaScript or Image Required

I have coded this pager only CSS based navigation/pagination bar. No javascript is required. There are tooltips on hover and previous/next buttons to make navigation easier…

Simple CSS Tips that Go a Long Way

Sometimes it’s the little things that can make all the difference and there are plenty of neat little CSS tips that can help with all aspects of design and development. Here are a few great tips that will help you improve your CSS work and help you get the most out of your code…

Visual Cheat Sheet: CSS Compatibility with Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8

This Visual Cheat Sheet will help you to understand CSS (2.1 and 3) behavior in Internet Explorer’s earlier (IE6 and IE7) and recent (IE8) versions. This cheat sheet (2 pages) contains some important CSS reference like… At rules (@rule), Element Selectors, Attribute Selectors, Pseudo-classes, Border and Layout, Position, Font and Text etc.

CSS3 Speech Bubble

Just to show a concept, here’s the code to make a speech bubble with a little pointer using only HTML and CSS3…

Ultimate IE6 Cheatsheet: How To Fix 25+ Internet Explorer 6 Bugs

The best strategy for dealing with Internet Explorer 6 is not to support it. Stop. Ok, I feel your frustration. You’re a web developer and you’re ready to tear your hair out because you have to support Internet Explorer 6, but, to put it tactfully, IE6 doesn’t support you. You’ve spent hours on it, but […]

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