Increasing the Clickable Area of Inline Links

Inline links can be tricky to click accur­ately for mobile users. To make this easier we can increase the clickable click area…

IE10 Snap Mode and Responsive Design

Describes a fix for the IE10 “bug” where IE10 ignores the meta viewport tag for any viewport smaller than 400 pixels in width (when in snap mode)…

Basic Ready-to-Use CSS Styles

A set of useful CSS3 snippets that you can use to enhance your designs. Includes, buttons, drop shadows, links and borders…

CSS Ribbon Menu

This uses CSS3 transitions and CSS2 pseudo-elements to create an animated navigation ribbon with minimal markup…

Conditional CSS

A way of detecting from JavaScript whether media queries have been executed in CSS without duplicating any breakpoints…

Replacing the -9999px hack (new image replacement)

A snippet of code that gives a more efficient method for hiding content off screen…

5 Useful CSS Tricks for Responsive Design

Five commonly used CSS tricks for coding responsive designs. Mostly simple CSS properties such as min-width, max-width, overflow, and relative value but these properties play an important part in responsive coding…

CSS Scroll Effects

A showcase of CSS3 effects that you can use when scrolling content…

Paperfold CSS

An impressive folding animation effect that could be used to hide/show various page elements…

CSS Font Stacks

A handy list of CSS based font stacks that you can copy and paste into your won stylesheets…

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