Making accessible icon buttons

An article exploring the alternatives for creating clickable icons with accessibility in mind…

CSS Baseline: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

An in-depth article that covers the complexity of using a CSS baseline when coding your designs…

Responsive Design’s Dirty Little Secret

Responsive Web design, as defined by Ethan Marcotte, consists of a fluid grid, fluid images and media queries. Different browsers have different methods of calculating widths for percentage based layouts. Browsers have to translate percentages into actual device pixels to fit in the viewport and this can cause problems. This article describes the potential problems […]

How To Add Text Gradients With CSS

This tutorial explains how to use some of the new CSS3 features for applying gradients to text…

CSS: Taking control of the cascade

An in-depth article explaining the best methods for structuring your CSS files to avoid any potential problems with CSS cascade…

A Farewell to CSS3 Gradients

An article all about CSS3 and how crappy they actually are. Raises some interesting points and gives alternative solutions using SVG…

Code smarter CSS with Sass

Sass is a style sheet language that makes your style sheet as beautiful to read as your web page. This article explains how to use and maintain style sheets with Sass…

Styling ordered list numbers

Ordered lists can be difficult to style. Changing the font, size, color, background etc. of numbers is tricky. The key is using CSS generated content to create and insert the counter numbers after removing the default numbering from the list…

CSS3 vs. CSS: A Speed Benchmark

Compares the speed of the same design coded twice: once with CSS3, and a second time using CSS background images sliced directly from the PSD…

How to avoid common CSS3 mistakes

Help on avoiding common mistakes when using shiny new CSS3 features in your day to day front end coding. Learn to write better CSS3 that works in as many browsers as possible…

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