CSS3 Exciting Functions and Features: 30+ Useful Tutorials

With version three of CSS, many exciting features will be implemented. CSS3 leads to greater flexibility and makes it much easier to recreate previously complex effects. Many time-saving rules are being thought up for CSS3: text-shadow, box-sizing, opacity, multiple backgrounds, border-radius, border-image ,multi-column layout, etc…

Beautiful glowing animated navigation

Technique for changing a background position on hover (as you would with CSS) but the twist is a beautiful fade in effect…

On applying OOP concepts to CSS

An in-depth discussion of OOP concepts and how they can relate to CSS files…

Better Font Families in CSS

font-family is one of the most widely used CSS properties, and with good reason: sometimes you can change the entire feel of a design with this one property. But selecting fonts for your stack also greatly influences your design’s readability and accessibility – which, ultimately, is what’s most important in any web design. That is, […]

Shifting my Opinion on CSS Animations

An in-depth article by Snook on implementing CSS animations…

How to use comments in Css

Comments make code more readable and manageable. Here’s a guide on how to use comments in CSS…

Hiding with CSS: Problems and solutions

Many CSS and JavaScript tutorials suggest using display:none to hide elements. In most cases, using display:none to hide an element is a bad choice that reduces accessibility. Here is a quick explanation of the problem and a suggestion for an alternative technique…

10 Cross-Browser CSS Properties You’ve Probably Forgotten

Humans are creatures of habit, and web developers are naturally no different. We develop certain techniques that work, and we stick with them – because, well, they work. But once in a while it’s good to refresh our minds and recall some aspects of development that we’ve probably forgotten. In this article you’ll find 10 […]

Examples and Tips for Great HTML and CSS Formatting

An overlooked aspect of websites is the formatting of HTML and CSS documents. This affects validation, SEO, and visual ease of use. Visual ease of use is the last thing most authors tend to keep in mind, but it’s still very important…

A Guide to CSS and WordPress

A tutorial that reviews the basics of CSS and WordPress, including image alignment and useful classes that you can use in your WordPress themes…

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