Rediscovering the Button Element

Building consistency on the web is especially tough because the visual rendering differences across browsers and operating systems are wildly different and almost arbitrary in what can and cannot be done. No where does this become more apparent than when you’re dealing with form elements and the biggest loser of them all in the battle […]

Simple Round CSS Links (Wii Buttons)

You may not get a Wii, but you can still get your own Wii Buttons with only 2 tags and 1 image and one CSS file. It’s tested and compatible with IE6, IE5.5, IE7, Safari 2, Firefox 2, Opera 9…

CSS Navigation: No JavaScript or Image Required

I have coded this pager only CSS based navigation/pagination bar. No javascript is required. There are tooltips on hover and previous/next buttons to make navigation easier…

CSS Backgrounds: 12 Solutions To Common Questions

CSS backgrounds are an important part of web design. The property is where you add the colors and images that sit behind your content, which controls much of the aesthetics of your site. Remove your CSS backgrounds and your site will probably be text on a white background. While relatively easy to understand, CSS backgrounds […]

To CSS Reset or Not to CSS Reset

Question: Which Global Reset for CSS Should I Use? The short answer is the simplest one possible. The slightly longer answer is that you should reset some styles, but do so with a good reason. The long answer is that the exact CSS reset you choose will depend on the needs of your design…

Cross-browser Drop Shadows Using Pure CSS

There’s an awful lot of noise at the moment regarding dropping IE6 and forging ahead with CSS3 properties for the finer touches on web layouts. One such example is adding drop shadows to content blocks. There are countless ways of achieving this, most requiring additional HTML markup and one or more PNG images. Not to […]

10 Tips for Writing Better CSS

Writing your first piece of css code can seem really weird if you’re used to working with tables, or just haven’t written code before. In this article I want to talk about 10 different ways you can write proper and clean css code as well as streamline the process and ensure you’re getting the job […]

A Dash of Rosemary on Your CSS

Rosemary is an open-source modular cascading filter-based modification system for CSS files; or commonly recognized as the acronym, OSMCFBMS4CSS. Your CSS files are run through a series of filters that modify it one after another. These filters can be toggled on/off, rearranged, or all of them disabled completely to give you raw output. It provides […]

CSS Properties Index

What would HTML be without CSS? And what is an index of all HTML elements without an index of all CSS properties? To fix the latter I indeed proudly present a continuously updated index of all properties specified in CSS 1, CSS 2, CSS 2.1, and even CSS 3, including all initial values as well…

Generate CSS with Vertical Rhythm

This tool will help you compute CSS that has a consistent vertical rhythm…

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